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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2021-04-24 Toronto carpenter builds 'tiny shelters' for the homeless. The city isn't happy
2021-04-09 Homeless in the Shadow of Apple’s $5B Campus
2021-04-08 A New Database Gives a Sharper Picture of Homelessness Across California
2021-04-07 Elk Grove Paying Homeless People to Clean Up After Themselves, and It’s Working
2021-04-04 Watch “I am a New York City landlord and I'm Homeless.” on YouTube
2021-03-23 Rohingya refugee camp fire: Several dead and thousands homeless

At least seven have died while about 50,000 have been displaced from the Bangladesh settlement.

2021-03-19 Engineer Converts Used Van into Mobile Laundromat, Offers Free Loads to Homeless
2021-03-05 It Is Costing San Francisco $5k/Month for Each Homeless Tent
2021-03-05 S.F. pays $61k/year for one tent to shelter the homeless
2021-02-12 An experiment in giving cash to recently homeless people [video]
2021-02-07 German City Builds Solar Power Sleeping Pods to Keep Its Homeless Warm
2021-02-01 Dunkin’ employee was fired for giving donuts that gone to waste to the homeless
2021-01-25 Finland has slashed homelessness; the rest of Europe is failing
2021-01-25 AB71: $2.4B Tax Hike to Create a ‘Statewide Homelessness Solutions Program
2021-01-24 The homeless drug addict who became a history professor

Jesse Thistle, a high school dropout, overcame addiction and homelessness to pursue an academic career.

2021-01-19 Homeless Montreal man dies in cold just yards from shelter

Raphaël André was found in a portable toilet next to a shelter that was closed due to Covid-19.

2021-01-15 Homeless man turned his life around offering book reviews instead of begging
2021-01-14 Vancouver Gave Homeless People $5,800. It Changed Their Lives
2021-01-12 Danke Apartment: China's “residential WeWork” leaves young Chinese homeless
2021-01-12 Danke Apartment: The 'broken eggshell' that left young Chinese homeless

The Danke housing controversy has exposed the vulnerability of young workers in China's cities.

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