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Your Hourly COVID-19 News Feed - Drill Down by Source: All    BBC    Hacker News

Date Title
2020-08-05 Pataphysical Software: Ridiculous Solutions for Imaginary Problems [pdf]
2020-08-03 How I Learn Difficult Skills – My Quest to Photograph a Galaxy
2020-07-22 How long does it take to get to Mars - and why is it so difficult?

Summer 2020 is a popular time for missions to Mars because of the way the planets align - but how long does it take to get there?

2020-07-08 Reopening Bars Is Easy. Schools Are Difficult
2020-07-05 Ridiculous Math Problems
2020-06-25 What Silicon Valley doesn’t understand about agriculture – Part II
2020-06-24 What vertical farming and ag startups don't understand about agriculture
2020-06-23 Coronavirus in India: Inside a Mumbai hospital ICU

Exclusive footage shows how one hospital in the city is coping with the influx of coronavirus patients.

2020-06-17 A difficult case: Diagnosis made by hallucinatory voices (1997)
2020-06-11 King of Staten Island: 'There's comedy in the most difficult situations'

Pete Davidson and Judd Apatow tackle personal 9/11 trauma in their new film, King of Staten Island.

2020-06-01 Mark Zuckerberg called Trump, said he was putting Facebook in difficult position
2020-05-26 The Next Coronavirus Nightmare Is What Happens After the ICU
2020-05-20 Cahokia's rise parallels onset of corn agriculture
2020-05-19 ACM: Computing Curriculum Draft for 2020s
2020-05-18 That one time Google made it more difficult to communicate about Covid-19
2020-05-16 The “ridiculous” failed coup attempt in Venezuela, explained
2020-05-13 Why this ICU nurse treating Covid patients could be deported

Jonathan Vargas Andres is one of many 'Dreamer' nurses awaiting a key Supreme Court decision.

2020-05-03 Lit: A ridiculously small responsive CSS framework
2020-05-02 Why is it difficult for developers to learn another programming language? [pdf]
2020-05-01 School board removes famous books from curriculum for 'controversial' content
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